2017 vs 2018 IRS Taxable Income Rates

With all the conversation around new tax regulations, many people have questions about what their taxable income will look like this year, for filing 2017 as opposed to next year in 2018. Essentially, 2017 tax rates remain the same, and the new rates will apply to filings for 2018.

Below is a chart detailing the difference between taxable income rates by income level.

IRS 2017 Taxable Income Rates vs 2018 Taxable Income Rates

2017 Taxable Income           2018 Taxable Income
Rate Single   Married Rate Single   Married
10% $0-$9,525 $9-$19,050 10% $0-$9,525 $9-$19,050
15% $9,526-$38,700 $19,051-$77,400 12% $9,526-$38,700 $19,051-$77,400
25% $38,701-$93,700 $77,401-$156,150 22% $38,701-$82,500 $77,401-$165,000
28% $93,701-$195,450 $156,151-$237,950 24% $82,501-$157,500 $165,001-$315,000
33% $195,451-$$424,950 $237,951-$424,950 32% $157,501-$200,000 $315,001-$400,000
35% $424,951-$426,700 $424,951-$480,050 35% $200,001-$500,000 $400,001-$600,000
39.6% $426,701 and over $480,051 and over 37% $500,001 and over $600,001 and over