You may already have a will to ensure that your assets are distributed to your chosen heirs efficiently when you die. But have you given any thought to what could happen if you were to become so incapacitated that you could not handle your own financial, business and personal affairs before you die?
It can be disturbing to contemplate, but the sad truth is that many people face weeks, months, or years of incapacitation before their death. And many people simply don’t consider the potential consequences of failing to plan for such an eventuality. If you haven’t taken the time to put your wishes in writing and to appoint a trusted person or institution to act in your stead, that task will fall to the courts.
In New Jersey, you have the right to create a directive that will allow the person of your choice to assume control of your affairs, without the necessity of a court proceeding, by signing New Jersey General Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA). Because you would probably prefer to keep matters in your own hands and avoid court intervention, you should discuss creating this important document with your estates and trusts attorney.
These are some of the powers that you should consider granting in your DPOA
By using the services of a knowledgeable New Jersey estates and trust law firm, your entire personal, business and financial situation will be considered to determine what duties the person or institution will need to assume on your behalf, and we will make certain that the DPOA is complete and unambiguous in the powers it conveys. Your attorney will usually recommend that you select a secondary appointee with a backup DPOA, in the event your first choice becomes unavailable or incapable of acting for you. Take control of your future by consulting with the estate planning attorneys at KingBarnes today and put our fifty-plus years of experience to work for you.