Major Site Plan Approval and Variances including Parking, Setbacks, Lot Coverage, and Landscaping : Reconfiguration and Rehabilitation of an Existing Motel

Jeffrey P. Barnes, Esquire, represented an applicant seeking approval in order to reconfigure and rehabilitate an existing motel. The project involves partial demolition and reconstruction and will result in a reduced number of hotel units, increased restaurant seating, parking improvements and new signage. The applicant received preliminary and final major site plan approval, variances for front yard setback on both frontages, rear yard setback, lot coverage, number of parking spaces, parking space size, parking space setback, back out parking, tandem parking, landscape buffer around the parking lot, number of parking spaces in the modular parking bays, freestanding sign setback, front yard landscaping (impervious coverage), front yard landscaping (plantings/mulching), hotel unit size, and the location of a pool in the front yard. The property is located in the M-1-A zone. The application was heard and approved by the Wildwood Crest Planning Board on February 1, 2023.