Major Site Plan Approval, D(1) Use Variances, D(5) Density Variance and ‘C’ Variances : New 17-Unit Multifamily Residential Development

Jeffrey P. Barnes, Esquire, represented an applicant seeking major site plan approval in order to construct a 17-unit multifamily residential development along with an adult swimming pool, children’s swimming pool, hot tub and other amenities at a property which presently exists as a surface parking lot. Major site plan approval, a D(1) use variance to allow more than one principal use on site, a D(1) use variance to allow a pool house pavilion, a D(5) density variance and ‘C’ variances for lot coverage, front yard setback, and distance between structures were granted. The application was heard and approved by the Wildwood Zoning/Planning Board on June 5, 2023.